
Lab Information

General information

  • Please do not alter computer or monitor physical setups, or unplug anything, or plug your own devices into wall sockets in Escape labs.
  • You are permitted to connect your own peripherals to the computers as long as they do not require drivers or external power.
  • Do not consume food in in the labs/studios, and only take in drinks inside a sealed container. No mugs!


Viewing the tutor screen on your own screen

Under Windows you can view a copy of the tutor screen on your own monitor using the following icon on the desktop:


This will connect to the tutor computer, they might need to approve your access to view.


Sometimes if a tutor machine has been moved then it might point to the wrong computer - you can manually enter the correct one in this case as provided by the tutor - this should be in the format PCLWKSxxxx where the last four numbers are the ones for that target machine.



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